Child Support (Title IV-D)
Family Court Clerk's Office Information
The clerk's offices in both branches are open Monday through Friday, excluding judicial holidays.
Public Counter Hours: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Telephone Hours: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Telephone Number: (707)468-2001
Location and mailing address:
Mendocino County Courthouse, 100 North State Street, Room 107, Ukiah CA 95482
Confidentiality Notice
Parentage cases (where the court establishes a child’s parent) are confidential. All other child support cases are available for viewing by the public.
Copies and Certified Copies of Court Documents
Please see the Copies and Certified Copies page for information on how to obtain copies.
Copies and Certified Copies page
Viewing Court Case Records
Please see the Viewing Court Case Records page for more information.