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Self-Help Center Closed December 26 & 27


The Self-Help Center will be closed on Thursday. December 26 and Friday, December 27.


Bogus phone calls, emails on jury service may lead to fraud.  If you receive a phone call, text, or email notifying you that you’re in big trouble for failing to show up for jury service, be suspicious.  It’s probably a scam.  Visit our Jury Scams webpage for more information.

Media Information

To ensure that the fairness and dignity of proceedings is preserved, and in accordance with California Rule of Court 1.150 and Local Rules 1.30 - 1.36, prior approval is required for photographing, recording, or broadcasting in the courtroom.

To request approval, the two forms listed below must be completed and submitted to the court prior to the event or hearing to be covered.

    The forms shall be filed with the Clerk’s Office at least five (5) court days before the proceeding to be covered unless good cause is shown. The Clerk’s Office will immediately deliver the request to the assigned judge who will rule on the request. If no judge has been assigned, the request will be submitted to the presiding judge.

    Photographing and Media Coverage In Other Areas Of Courthouse

    Unless approved by written order, filming, videotaping, photographing and electronic recording of any kind is not permitted in any other part of the courthouse, including but not limited to entrances, exits, halls, stairways, and elevators. Application for permission for photographing or media coverage in these areas of the courthouse shall be directed to the Presiding Judge by submitting Judicial Council forms MC-500 and MC-510 to the Executive Office.

    Cameras and recording devices shall be turned off while being transported in any area of the court unless expressly permitted by court order. Filming, video taping and photographing of the interior of any courtroom through the glass door windows or through the double doors, or otherwise is prohibited. No microphones or cameras shall be permitted in any courtroom unless the judge hearing a matter within the courtroom has expressly authorized such use in a written order pursuant to California Rule of Court 1.150 and Local Rules 1.30 - 1.36.

    Notice to Media Agencies

    Each media agency shall be responsible for ensuring that all its media personnel who cover the court proceeding know and follow the provisions of the court order and California Rule of Court, Rule 1.150, et seq. and Local Rules 1.30 - 1.36.

    If the request is approved, the judge may specify the placement of media personnel and equipment to permit reasonable photographing or media coverage without disruption of the proceedings.

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