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Self-Help Center Closed December 26 & 27


The Self-Help Center will be closed on Thursday. December 26 and Friday, December 27.


Bogus phone calls, emails on jury service may lead to fraud.  If you receive a phone call, text, or email notifying you that you’re in big trouble for failing to show up for jury service, be suspicious.  It’s probably a scam.  Visit our Jury Scams webpage for more information.


This page lists all Requests for Information, Proposals, and Bids currently advertised by the Court.

Notices and Solicitations

There are no active solicitations at this time.

Future Opportunities

The Court issues Requests for Information, Bids, and Proposals for items such as paper products and technology equipment on an as-needed basis. If you would like to be notified by e-mail of future procurement opportunities, please send an e-mail to: and include the following information in your e-mail:

  • Business name and physical address
  • Contact name and phone number
  • Type of business

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