Pay Your Fine / Bail
Traffic Court Clerk's Office Information
The clerk's offices in both branches are open Monday through Friday, excluding judicial holidays.
Public Counter Hours: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Telephone Hours: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Telephone Number: (707) 463-4660
Locations and mailing addresses:
Mendocino County Courthouse, 100 North State Street, Room 108, Ukiah CA 95482
Ten Mile Branch, 700 South Franklin Street, Fort Bragg CA 95437
Fine Payment Options
You may choose to pay your fine (sometimes called 'bail') in person, by mail, on this website with a credit card.
Pay Online:
Pay by Visa, Mastercard, or Discover using the Court’s Online Payments site. Search for your case by citation number, case number or your name and birthdate. Convenience fee automatically added.
Pay by Mail:
Pay by check or money order only. Write your docket or citation number on your check or money order.
Mailing address:
Mendocino County Courthouse, 100 North State Street, Room 108, Ukiah CA 95482
Ten Mile Branch, 700 South Franklin Street, Fort Bragg CA 95437
Pay in Person:
Stop by either branch in Ukiah or Fort Bragg to pay with cash, check, money order, debit card, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Card.
Traffic Violator School
If your courtesy notice states that you are eligible and you want to attend traffic violator school, you must add a $54.00 traffic violator school administrative fee to the amount of your total fine. Please see our Traffic Violator School page for more information on the benefits, your eligibility, and the process to complete traffic violator school.
Past Due Fines/Bail
Once the due date on your citation has passed, the court will notify you that your case is being referred to Collections.
Requests for Fine Reduction, Payment Plan, Community Service and Extensions of Time to Pay Fine
If you receive public benefits, are a low-income person, or do not have enough income to pay for your household’s basic needs, you may ask the court to consider reducing your fine, based on your ability to pay the fine. Use the MyCitations online tool go ask the court to consider a request for reduction of your infraction fines. You may also request a payment plan, more time to pay the fine and you may convert your fine to community service work. Click the link below.