Forms Packets
Completing Forms
Type or neatly handwrite your forms in black or blue ink. You can fill out many forms online before you print them. Or use Guide and File, a form completion program for many types of forms and cases that also allows you to e-file your forms.
Obtaining a Forms Packet
Access the available forms packets below. All forms are published in PDF format, and a few local forms are also available as a Microsoft Word document.
Pre-printed packets of these same forms may be purchased at the clerk's office for a small fee.
Form Packets
Adoption (Packet P1)
If the child is of Indian Heritage, you must request the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Adoption Packet P2
Filing Fee: $20 for each person being adopted. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MFL-110 | Packet Cover Sheet |
IAP-FACT | Independent Adoption Program - Fact Sheet |
ADOPT-050-INFO | How to Adopt a Child in California |
ADOPT-200 | Adoption Request |
ADOPT-210 | Adoption Agreement |
ADOPT-230 | Adoption Expenses |
ADOPT-215 | Adoption Order |
ADOPT-216 | Verification of Compliance with Hague Adoption Convention Attachment |
VS-44 | Court Report of Adoption |
ADOPT-310 | Contact After Adoption Agreement |
Indian Child Welfare Action (ICWA) Adoption (Packet P2)
MFL-111 | Packet Cover Sheet |
ADOPT-220 | Adoption of Indian Child |
ADOPT-225 | Parent of Indian Child Agrees to End Parental Rights |
ICWA-005-INFO | Information Sheet on Indian Child Inquiry |
ICWA-010(A) | Indian Child Inquiry Attachment |
ICWA-030 | Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child |
Submit the Declaration re: Change of Name form (MNC-110) at the same time the petition is filed
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver (see below) available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
Change of Name (Packet J1)
MNC-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MNC-110 | Declaration re: Change of Name |
NC-100 | Petition for Change of Name |
NC-110 | Attachment to Petition for Change of Name |
NC-110G | Supplement Attachment to Petition for Change of Name |
NC-120 | Order to Show Case for Change of Name |
NC-121 | Proof of Service of Order to Show Cause |
NC-130 | Decree Changing Name |
NC-130G | Decree Changing Name (Change of Name by Minor of Guardian) |
Submit the Declaration re: Change of Name form (MNC-110-local) at the same time the petition is filed
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver (see below) available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate (Packet J2)
MNC-101 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MNC-110 | Declaration re: Change of Name |
NC-200* | Petition for Change of Name and Gender |
NC-210 NC-310 |
Declaration of Physician - Attachment to Petition |
NC-220* | Order to Show Cause for Change of Name and Gender |
NC-230* | Decree Changing Name and Gender |
NC-300 | Petition for Change of Gender and Issuance of new Birth Certificate |
NC-210 NC-310 |
Declaration of Physician - Attachment to Petition |
NC-320 | Notice of Hearing on Petition for Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate |
NC-330 | Order for Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate |
Civil Harassment Temporary Restraining Order (Packet B1)
There is no filing fee if the defendant has inflicted or threatened violence against you, or stalked you, or acted or spoke in any other manner that makes you fear violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MCH-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
CH-100-INFO | Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me? |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
MMC-121 | Declaration re: Notice Upon Ex Parte Application for Orders |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
CLETS-001 | Confidential CLETS Information |
CH-100 | Request for Orders to Stop Harassment (Civil Harassment) |
CH-109 | Notice of Court Hearing |
CH-110 | Temporary Restraining Order |
CH-130 | Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing |
CH-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
CH-250-INFO | What if the Person I Want Protection From is Avoiding (Evading) Service or Cannot Be Located? |
CH-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Civil Harassment Response (Packet B2)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against the petitioner, or stalked them, or acted or spoke in any other manner that makes them reasonably fear violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MCH-101 | Packet Cover Sheet |
CH-120-INFO | How Can I Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? |
CH-120 | Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders |
CH-250 | Proof of Service of Response by Mail |
CH-800-INFO | How do I Turn in or Sell my Firearms? |
MFD-102 | Gun or Firearm Relinquishment or Sale (Checklist) |
BOF110 | Prohibited Persons Notice Form and Power of Attorney for Firearms and Disposal |
MFD-022 | No Guns or Other Firearms Statement |
CH-800 |
Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold |
Temporary Civil Harassment Restraining Order Reissuance (Packet B3)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against the petitioner, or stalked them, or acted or spoke in any other manner that makes them reasonably fear violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MCH-102 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MCH-110 | How to Ask for a New Hearing Date |
CH-115 | Request to Continue Court Hearing and to Reissue Temporary Restraining Order (Civil Harassment) |
CH-116 | Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders |
CH-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
POS-020 | Proof of Personal Service – Civil |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Civil Harassment Restraining Order Renewal (Packet B4)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against the petitioner, or stalked them, or acted or spoke in any other manner that makes them reasonably fear violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MCH-103 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MCH-120 | How Do I Ask the Court to Renew My Restraining Order? |
CH-700 | Request to Renew Restraining Order |
CH-710 | Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order |
CH-730 | Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order (CLETS) |
CH-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
CH-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Civil Harassment Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order (Packet B5)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against the petitioner, or stalked them, or acted or spoke in any other manner that makes them reasonably fear violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MCH-104 | Packet Cover Sheet |
CH-720 | Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order |
CH-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
CH-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
CH-250 | Proof of Service Response By Mail (Civil Harassment) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Petition, Summons, Proof of Service without children involved (Packet F1)
When children are involved, you may also need Packet Dissolution F3
The filing fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MFL-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-107-INFO | Legal Steps for a Divorce or Legal Separation |
FL-110 | Summons |
FL-100 | Petition for Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation |
FL-120 | Response to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation |
FL-115 | Proof of Service of Summons |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-117 | Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt |
FL-160 | Property Declaration |
Response/Appearance to Dissolution, Proof of Service (Packet F2)
When children are involved, you may also need Dissolution Packet F3
The filing fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
This packet is to be served on the respondent along with a copy of the Petition, Summons and other related documents.
MFL-101 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-300-INFO | Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution) |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-120 | Response - Marriage |
FL-157 | Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment |
FL-158 | Supporting Declaration for Attourney's Fees and Costs Attachment |
FL-130 | Appearance, Stipulation, and Waivers |
FL-130(A) | Declaration and Conditiional Waiver of Rights Under the Service members Civil Relief Act of 2003 |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
Attachments to Petition, Attachments to Response when children are involved (Packet F3)
When children are involved, you may also need to attach these forms to Packet F1 and Packet F2.
This packet is to be served on the respondent along with a copy of the Petition, Summons and other related documents.
MFL-102 | Packet Cover Sheet |
PA REG | Parenting Apart Workshop Registration Form |
MFL-200 | Atención Padres De Habla Hispana |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-314-INFO | Child Custody Information Sheet |
FL-329-INFO | Child Custody Evaluation Information Sheet |
FL-105 | Declaration under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) |
FL-105(A) | Attachment to Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) |
FL-311 | Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment |
FL-312 | Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-341(A) | Children's Holiday Schedule Attachment |
FL-341(B) | Additional Provisions - Physical Custody Attachment |
MFL-180 | Child Support Question and Answer |
FL-342 | Child Support Information and Order Attachment |
FL-343 | Spousal, Partner, and Family Support Order Attachment |
FL-196 | Income Withholding for Support - Instructions |
FL-195 | Income Withholding for Support |
FL-192 | Child Support Case Registry Form |
Default, Disclosures, Judgment (Packet F4)
When children or property are involved additional Judgment attachments are available in Dissolution Packet F5
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
This packet is used after the other party has been served and a Response has not been filed to the Petition.
MFL-103 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-107-INFO | Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution) |
FL-182 | Judgment Checklist - Dissolution/Legal Separation |
FL-140 | Declaration of Disclosure |
FL-141 | Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure and Income and Expense Declaration |
FL-142 | Schedule of Assets and Debts |
FL-144 | Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure |
FL-150 | Income and Expense Declaration |
FL-165 | Request to Enter Default |
FL-170 | Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation |
FL-155 | Financial Statement (Simplified) |
FL-160 | Property Declaration |
FL-180 | Judgment |
FL-190 | Notice of Entry of Judgment |
At Issue, Stipulations, Judgment (Packet F5)
When children or property are involved, additional Judgment attachments are available in Dissolution Packet F6
The filing fee is $435 if first appearance. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is used to get a judgment if the other party has filed a Response to the Petition, or you have a written agreement or stipulation.
When submitting the Notice of Entry of Judgment (Form FL-190) to the clerk, include two postage prepaid envelopes, one addressed to you and one addressed to the Respondent.
MFL-104 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-107-INFO | Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution) |
FL-182 | Judgment Checklist - Dissolution/Legal Separation |
MFL-143 | Request for Trail (Family Law) |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-130 | Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers |
FL-130(A) | Declaration and Conditional Waver of Rights Under the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2003 |
FL-144 | Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure |
FL-170 | Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation |
FL-180 | Judgment |
FL-190 | Notice of Entry of Judgment |
FL-350 | Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order |
FL-355 | Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children |
Attachments to Judgment with children or property (Packet F6)
You may also need this packet to attach to Judgment (Form #FL-180) located in Packet F4 or Packet F5.
MFL-105 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-347 | Bifurcation of Status of Marriage or Deomestic Partnership |
FL-312 | Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-191 | Child Support Case Registry Form |
FL-192 | Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures) |
FL-312 | Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-341(A) | Supervised Visitation Order |
FL-341(B) | Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment |
FL-342 | Child Support Information and Order Attachment |
FL-343 | Spousal, Partner or Family Support Order Attachment |
FL-345 | Property Order Attachment to Judgment |
FL-346 | Attorney's Fees And Costs Order Attachment |
MFL-180 | How do I get Child Support for my Children? |
FL-191 | Child Support Case Registry Form |
FL-192 | Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures) |
FL-196 | Income Withholding for Support - Instructions |
FL-195 | Income Withholding for Support |
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) without children together (Packet A1)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
When you have children together, you may also need Domestic Violence Packet A3
MDV-100 | Instructions on Filing a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order |
DV-500-INFO | Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me? |
DV-505-INFO | Forms You Need for a Temporary Restraining Order |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
MMC-121 | Declaration re Notice Upon Ex Parte Application for Orders |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
CLETS-001 | Confidential CLETS Information |
DV-100 | Request for Order |
DV-101 | Description of Abuse |
DV-109 | Notice of Court Hearing |
DV-110 | Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Hearing (CLETS-TRO) |
DV-520-INFO | Get Ready for Your Restraining Order Court Hearing |
DV-130 | Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-OAH) (Order of Protection) |
DV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
DV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail (CLETS) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
DV-530-INFO | How to Enforce Your Order |
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) with children together (Packet A2)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
When you have children together, you may also need these attachments in addition to Domestic Violence Packet A1.
MDV-101 | Instructions on Filing a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order |
PA Reg | Parenting Apart registration form |
FL-314-INFO | Child Custody Information Sheet |
FL-329-INFO | Child Custody Evaluation Information Sheet |
DV-105 | Child Custody, Visitation, and Support Request |
DV-140 | Child Custody and Visitation Order |
DV-108 | Request for Order: No Travel With Children |
DV-145 | Order: No Travel with Children |
DV-180 | Agreement and Judgment of Parentage |
Response - Firearm Checklist with or without children together (Packet A3)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
This packet is to be served on the restrained party along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MDV-102 | Instructions on Filing a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
DV-120-INFO | How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order? |
DV-120 | Answer to Temporary Restraining Order |
DV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
PA Reg | Parenting Apart Registration Form |
MFD-022 | No Guns or Other Firearms Statement |
DV-800-INFO/ JV-270-INFO |
How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store my Firearms, Firearms Parts, and Ammunition? |
MFD-102 | Gun or Firearm Relinquishment or Sale (Checklist) |
DV-800 / JV-270 | Receipt for Firearms, Firearm Parts, and Ammunition |
BOF110 | Prohibited Persons Notice Form and Power of Attorney for Firearms and Disposal |
BOF 4546 | Notice of No Longer in Possession {Penal Code § 28000} |
Order After Hearing without children together (Packet A4)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
When you have children together you may also need Domestic Violence Packet A5.
MDV-103 | Instructions on Filing a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order |
DV-520-INFO | Get ready for the Court Hearing |
DV-130 | Restraining Order After Hearing (CLETS-OAH) |
DV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
DV-530-INFO | How to Enforce Your Order |
Attachments for Order After Hearing with children together (Packet A5)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
When you have children together you may also need these attachments along with Domestic Violence Packet A4.
MDV-104 | Instructions on Filing a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order |
DV-140 | Child Custody and Visitation Order |
DV-145 | Order: No Travel with Children |
DV-180 | Agreement and Judgment of Parentage |
Temporary Restraining Order Reissuance (Packet A6)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
MDV-105 | Packet Cover Sheet |
DV-115-INFO | How to ask for a New Hearing Date |
DV-115 | Request to Continue Court Hearing and Reissue Temporary Restraining Order |
DV-116 | Notice of New Hearing and Order on Reissuance |
DV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
DV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Restraining Order Renewal (Packet A7)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
MDV-106 | Packet Cover Sheet |
DV-700-INFO | How Do I Ask the Court to Renew My Restraining Order? (Domestic Violence) |
DV-700 | Request to Renew Restraining Order (Domestic Violence Prevention) |
DV-710 | Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order |
DV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
DV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order (Packet A8)
There is no filing fee required for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Domestic Violence.
MDV-107 | Packet Cover Sheet |
DV-720 | Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order |
DV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
DV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
DV-250 | Proof of Service by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Temporary Restraining Order (Packet D1)
There is no filing fee required for an Elder Abuse Temporary Restraining Order
MEA-100 | Instruction Sheet |
EA-100-INFO | Can a Restraining Order to Prevent Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Help Me? |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
MMC-121 | Declaration re Notice Upon Ex Parte Application for Orders |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
CLETS-001 | Confidential CLETS Information |
EA-100 | Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order |
EA-109 | Notice of Court Hearing |
EA-110 | Temporary Restraining Order |
EA-130 | Restraining Order After Hearing (Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse) (CLETS) |
EA-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
EA-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
EA-260 | Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Response - Proof of Service Firearm Checklist (Packet D2)
There is no filing fee required for an Elder Abuse Temporary Restraining Order.
MEA-101 | Instruction Sheet |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
EA-120-INFO | How Can I Respond to a Request for Orders to Stop Elder Abuse or Dependent Adult Abuse? |
EA-120 | Response to Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order |
EA-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
EA-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
EA-250 | Proof of Service of Response by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
MFD-022 | No Guns or Other Firearms Statement |
EA-800-INFO | How Do I Turn In or Sell My Firearms? |
MFD-102 | Gun or Firearm Relinquishment or Sale (Checklist) |
EA-800 | Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold |
BOF110 | Prohibited Persons Notice Form and Power of Attorney for Firearms and Disposal |
BOF 4546 | Notice of No Longer in Possession {Penal Code § 28000} |
Temporary Restraining Order Reissuance (Packet D3)
There is no filing fee required for an Elder Abuse Temporary Restraining Order.
MEA-102 | Instruction Sheet |
EA-115-INFO | How to Ask for a New Hearing Date |
EA-115 | Request to Continue Court Hearing) |
EA-116 | Notice of New Hearing Date and Order on Reissuance |
EA-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
EA-200 | Notice of new Hearing Date and Order on Reissuance |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Restraining Order Renewal (Packet D4)
There is no filing fee required for an Elder Abuse Temporary Restraining Order.
MEA-103 | Instruction Sheet |
MEA-100 | How do I Ask the Court to Renew My Restraining Order? |
EA-700 | Request to Renew Restraining Order |
EA-710 | Notice to Renew Restraining Order |
EA-730 | Order Renewing Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order |
EA-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
EA-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
EA-260 | Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail` |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order (Packet D5)
There is no filing fee required for an Elder Abuse Temporary Restraining Order.
MEA-104 | Instruction Sheet |
EA-720 | Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order |
EA-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service?" |
EA-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
EA-250 | Proof of Service of Response by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Court Costs and Fee Waiver (Packet N1)
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MMC-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MC-301 | Emancipation Pamphlet |
MC-300 | Petition for Declaration of Emancipation of Minor, Order Prescribing Notice, Declaration, Order |
MC-305 | Notice of Hearing - Emancipation of Minor |
MC-306 | Emancipation of Minor Income and Expense Declaration |
MC-310 | Declaration of Emancipation of Minor After Hearing |
MC-315 | Emancipated Minor's Application to California Department of Motor Vehicles |
Petition, Summons, Proof of Service without children involved (Packet G1)
Filing fee:
If this will be your first appearance on the case,
the fling fee is $435. Otherwise, filing fees are as follows:
- $60 OSC/Motion when mediation is not required
- $85 OSC/Motion when mediation is required
- $60 Ex Parte Hearing Fee
Fee Waiver available upon request.
If you need an Order After Hearing request Packet G3.
MFL-130 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-300-INFO | Information Sheet for Request for Order |
FL-314-INFO | Child Custody Information Sheet |
FL-329-INFO | Child Custody Evaluation Information Sheet |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
FL-303 | Declaration Regarding Notice and Service of Request for Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders |
MFL-142 | Statement of Related Cases |
FL-300 | Request for Order |
FL-305 | Temporary Order Application for Order and Supporting Declarations |
FL-312 | Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders |
FL-157 | Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment |
FL-158 | Supporting Declaration for Attorney's Fees and Costs Attachment |
FL-150 | Income and Expense Declaration |
FL-155 | Financial Statement (Simplified) |
FL-160 | Property Declaration |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
MCSO Service | Request for Service by Sheriff for Restraining Orderrs |
FL-306 | Request to Continue Hearing |
Response/Appearance to Dissolution, Proof of Service (Packet G2)
Serve this packet on the other party with a copy of the Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion, and other related documents.
No filing fee to file a Responsive Declaration.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MFL-131 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-320 | Responsive Declaration to Request for Order |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
MCSO Service | Request for Service by Sheriff for Restraining Orders |
Attachments to Petition, Attachments to Response when children are involved (Packet G3)
The order, and the applicable attachments are prepared and submitted to the clerk for the judge's signature after your Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion hearing.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MFL-132 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-340 | Findings and Order After Hearing |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-341(A) | Supervised Visitation Order |
FL-341(B) | Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment |
FL-342 | Child Support Information and Order Attachment |
FL-342(A) | Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment |
FL-343 | Spousal, Partner or Family Support Order Attachment |
FL-344 | Property Order Attachment to Findings and Order After Hearing |
FL-346 | Attorney's Fees And Costs Order Attachment |
Court Costs and Fee Waiver (Packet M1)
Some litigants may qualify for a fee waiver. To find out if you qualify for a fee waiver, refer to the Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs FW-001-INFO.
MFW-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FW-001-INFO | Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs |
FW-001 | Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs |
FW-003 | Order on Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs |
Firearms Relinquishment (Packet Q1)
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MFD-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MFD-101 | If I am served with a Restraining Order in Mendocino County, what must I do with my firearm? |
DV-800-INFO / JV-270-INFO | How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms, Firearms Parts, and Ammunition? |
MFD-022 | No Unregistered or Registered Gun or Other Firearms Statement |
MFD-102 | Gun or Firearm Relinquishment or Sale (Checklist) |
DV-800 / JV-252 | Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold |
BOF-110 | Power of Attorney for Firearms and Disposal |
BOF 4546 | Notice of No Longer in Possession {Penal Code § 28000} |
Petition for Permanent Guardianship (Packet H1)
For temporary guardianship, request Packet H2
If the child has or may have Indian heritage, request Form ICWA-030
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MGC-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MFL-142 | Related cases |
GC-505 | Forms you need to Ask for Court to Appoint a Guardian of the Person (checklist) |
GC-210 | Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor |
GC-210(P) | Petition for Appointment of Guardian of the Person |
GC-210(CA) | Guardianship Petition - Child Information Attachment |
FL-105 | Declaration under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) |
FL-105(A) | Attachment to Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act |
GC-212 | Confidential Guardian Screening Form |
GC-248 | Duties of Guardian |
GC-211 | Consent of Proposed Guardian Nomination of Guardian, Consent to Appointment of Guardian, and Waiver of Notice |
GC-020 | Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship |
GC-021 | Order Dispending with Notice |
GC-510 | What is "Proof of Service" in a Guardianship (checklist) |
GC-020(P) | Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship |
GC-240 | Order Appointing Guardian of Minor |
GC-250 | Letter of Guardianship |
GC-205 | Guardianship Pamphlet |
Petition for Temporary Guardianship (Packet H2)
A Petition for Temporary Guardianship must be filed subsequent to or at the same time as the Petition for Permanent Guardianship Packet H1.
Filing Fee:
$40 Petition for Temporary Letters
$40 Ex Parte Hearing
Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MGC-101 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
MMC-121 | Declaration re: Notice Upon Ex Parte Application for Orders |
GC-110 | Petition for Appointment of Temporary Guardian or Conservator |
GC-110(P)* | Petition for Appointment of Temporary Guardian of the person |
GC-140 | Order Appointing Temporary Guardian or Conservator |
GC-150 | Letters of Temporary Guardianship or Conservatorship |
GC-020 | Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship |
GC-020(P) | Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship |
Petition, Summons, Proof of Service (Packet E1)
The filing fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MFL-150 | Paternity Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-314-INFO | Child Custody Information Sheet |
MFL-180 | Child Support Question and Answer |
FL-329-INFO | Child Custody Evaluation Information Sheet |
PA Reg | Parenting Apart registration form |
FL-210 | Summons (Uniform Parentage-Petition for Custody and Support |
FL-200 | Petition to Establish Parental Relationships |
FL-105 | Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) |
FL-105(A) | Attachment to Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act |
MFL-142 | Related Cases |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
FL-115 | Proof of Service Summons |
FL-117 | Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt (Family Law) |
Response - Petition to Paternity, Proof of Service (Packet E2)
The filing fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
This packet is to be served on the respondent along with a copy of the Petition and Summons and other related documents.
MFL-151 | Paternity Packet Cover Sheet |
MFL-200 | Atención Padres De Habla Hispana |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
PA Reg | Parenting Apart registration form |
FL-220 | Response to Petition to Establish Parental Relationships |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
Default Judgment, Attachments to Judgment (Packet E3)
This packet is used after the other party has been served and a Response has not been filed to the petition.
Present an original and two copies for filing.
When filing the Request to Enter Default (Form FL-165), include a postage prepaid envelope addressed to the Respondent
When submitting the Notice of Entry of Judgment (Form FL-190) to the clerk, include two postage prepaid envelopes, one addressed to you and one addressed to the Respondent.
Use this packet after the other party has been served and a Response has not been filed to your petition.
MFL-152 | Paternity Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-165 | Request to Enter Default |
FL-230 | Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment |
FL-190 | Notice of Entry of Judgment |
FL-250 | Judgment (Uniform Parentage - Custody and Support) |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-341(A) | Supervised Visitation Order |
FL-341(B) | Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment |
FL-342 | Child Support Information and Order Attachment |
FL-346 | Attourney's Fees And Costs Order Attachment |
FL-191 | Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures) |
FL-192 | Child Support Case Registry Form |
FL-196 | Income Withholding for Support - Instructions |
FL-195 | Income Withholding for Support |
At-issue Agreement/Stipulation, Judgment, Attachments to Judgment (Packet E4)
This packet is used to get a Judgment if the other party has filed a Response to the Petition, or you have a written agreement.
Present an original and two copies for filing.
When submitting the Notice of Entry of Judgment (Form FL-190) to the clerk, include two postage prepaid envelopes, one addressed to you and one addressed to the Respondent.
Use this packet to get a Judgment if the other party has filed a Response to the Petition, or you have a written agreement.
MFL-153 | Paternity Packet Cover Sheet |
MFL-143 | Request for Trial (Family Law) |
FL-330-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335-INFO | Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-330 | Proof of Personal Service |
FL-335 | Proof of Service by Mail |
FL-130 | Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers |
FL-130(A) | Declaration and Conditional Waiver of Rights Under the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2003 |
FL-240 | Stipulation for Entry of Judgment Re: Establishment of Parental Relationship |
FL-235 | Advisement and Waiver of Rights Re: Establishment of Parental Relationship |
FL-190 | Notice of Entry of Judgment |
FL-250 | Judgment (Uniform Parentage - Custody and Support) |
FL-341 | Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment |
FL-341(A) | Supervised Visitation Order |
FL-341(B) | Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment |
FL-342 | Child Support Information and Order Attachment |
FL-346 | Attorney's Fees And Costs Order Attachment |
FL-191 | Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures) |
FL-192 | Child Support Case Registry Form |
FL-196 | Income Withholding for Support - Instructions |
FL-195 | Income Withholding for Support |
Request to Calendar - (Packet R1)
There is no filing fee to request to have a criminal case placed on calendar.
MCR-106 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MCR-104 | Request to Calendar Information |
MCR-103 | Request to Calendar Case |
MC-030 | Declaration |
MCR-105 | Proof of Service |
Filing a Small Claims Case (Packet I1)
Filing Fee:
$30 For claims of $1,500 or less
$50 For claims of $1,500 to $5,000
$75 For Claims of $5,001 to $12,500 (no corporate filings)
$100 if you have filed more than 12 claims in the past year
Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MSC-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
SC-100-INFO | Information for the Small Claims Plaintiff |
Notice | Small Claims Certified Mail Notice |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
SC-100 | Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court |
SC-100A | Other Plaintiffs or Defendants (Small Claims) |
SC-103 | Fictitious Business Name |
SC-104B | What is "Proof of Service?" |
SC-104C | How to Serve a Business or Public Entity |
SC-104 | Proof of Service |
SC-104A | Proof of Mailing (Substituted Service) |
SC-112A | Proof of Service by Mail (Small Claims) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
SC-200-INFO | What to Do After the Court Decides Your Small Claims Case (Small Claims) |
SC-220-INFO | Payments in Small Claims Cases (Small Claims) |
Summary Dissolution (Packet L1)
Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment should be submitted six months and one day from the date Petition is filed.
Filing Fee: $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
When submitted, provide two prepaid envelopes, one addressed to yourself and one to the other party.
MFL-120 | Packet Cover Sheet |
FL-810 | Summary Dissolution Information |
FL-800 | Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage |
FL-820 | Request for Judgment, Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage, and Notice of Entry of Judgment |
FL-825 | Judgment Of Dissolution And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment |
Unlawful Detainer - Complaint (Packet K1)
Filing Fee:
$240 if amount up to $10,000
$385 if amount is over $10,000, up to $25,000
Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MUD-100 | Packet Cover Sheet |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
CM-110 | Civil Case Cover Sheet |
UD-100 | Complaint - Unlawful Detainer |
UD-101 |
Plaintiff's Mandatory Cover Sheet & Supplemental Allegations |
SUM-130 | Summons - Unlawful Detainer - Eviction |
POS-010 | Proof of Service of Summons |
UD-150 | Request/Counter-Request to Set Case for Trial-Unlawful Detainer |
CIV-100 | Request for Entry of Default (Application to Enter Default) |
UD-116 | Declaration for Default Judgment by Court (Unlawful Detainer Civ Proc. § 585(d)) |
UD-120 | Verification by Landlord Regarding Rental Assistance - Unlawful Detainer |
UD-110 | Judgment - Unlawful Detainer |
UD-110S | Judgment - Unlawful Detainer Attachment |
UD-115 | Stipulation for Entry of Judgment (Unlawful Detainer) |
EJ-130 | Writ of Execution |
SER-001A | Special Instructions for Writs and Levies - Attachment |
MUD-102 | Stipulation for Entry of Judgment |
MUD-103 | Notice of Request for Entry of Judgment Pursuant to Default and Supporting Declaration |
Unlawful Detainer - Answer (Packet K2)
Filing Fee:
$225 if amount up to $10,000
$370 if amount is over $10,000, up to $25,000
Fee Waiver available upon request.
Please present an original and two copies for filing.
MUD-101 | Packet Cover Sheet |
UD-105 | Answer - Unlawful Detainer |
POS-020 | Proof of Personal Service - Civil / Information sheet for Personal Service - Civil |
POS-030 | Proof of Service by First-Class Mail - Civil / Information Sheet for Service by First-Class Mail - Civil |
Temporary Restraining Order, Proof of Service, Order after Hearing (Packet C1)
There is no filing fee if the defendant has inflicted or threatened violence against an employee of the plaintiff, or stalked the employee, or acted or spoke in any other manner that has placed the employee in reasonable fear of violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
MWV-100 | Instructions on Filing a Petition for Workplace Harassment |
WV-100-INFO | How Do I Get an Order to Prohibit Workplace Violence? (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
MMC-120 | Civil and Family Law Ex Parte Request Information |
MMC-121 | Ex Parte Hearing Notice Information |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
CLETS-001 | Confidential CLETS Information |
WV-100 | Petition of Employer for Injunction Prohibiting Violence or Threats of Violence Against Employee |
WV-109 | Notice of Court Hearing (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-110 | Temporary Restraining Order |
WV-130 | Proof of Personal Service |
WV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-200 | Proof of Personal Service (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-260 | Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Response - Proof of Service Firearm Checklist (Packet C2)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against an employee of the plaintiff, or stalked the employee, or acted or spoke in any other manner that has placed the employee in reasonable fear of violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MWV-101 | Instructions on Filing a Petition for Workplace Harassment |
WV-120-INFO | How Can I Respond to a Petition for Orders to Stop Workplace Violence? (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-120 | Response to Petition for Orders to Stop Workplace Violence (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
MMC-110 | Request for Interpreter |
WV-200-INFO | What is “Proof of Personal Service”? |
WV-200 | Proof of Personal Service |
WV-250 | Proof of Service of Response by Mail (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
MFD-022 | No Guns or Other Firearms Statement |
WV-800-INFO | How do I Turn in or Sell my Firearms? |
MFD-102 | Gun or Firearm Relinquishment or Sale (Checklist) |
WV-800 | Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
BOF110 | Prohibited Persons Notice Form and Power of Attorney for Firearms and Disposal |
BOF 4546 | Notice of No Longer in Possession {Penal Code § 28000} |
Temporary Restraining Order Reissuance (Packet C3)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against an employee of the plaintiff, or stalked the employee, or acted or spoke in any other manner that has placed the employee in reasonable fear of violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MWV-102 | Instructions on File a Petition for Workplace Harassment |
MWV-110 | How to Ask for a New Hearing Date |
WV-115 | Request to Continue Court Hearing and to Reissue Temporary Restraining Order |
WV-116 | Notice of New Hearing Date and Order on Reissuance |
WV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-200 | Proof of Personal Service (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Restraining Order Renewal (Packet C4)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against an employee of the plaintiff, or stalked the employee, or acted or spoke in any other manner that has placed the employee in reasonable fear of violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MWV-103 | Instructions on File a Petition for Workplace Harassment |
MWV-120 | How do I Ask the Court to Renew My Temporary Restraining Order? |
WV-700 | Request to Renew Restraining Order |
WV-710 | Notice of Hearing To Renew Restraining Order |
WV-730 | Order Renewing Workplace Violence Restraining Order |
WV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
WV-200 | Proof of Personal Service (Workplace Violence Prevention) |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |
Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order (Packet C5)
There is no filing fee if the petition alleges that you have inflicted or threatened violence against an employee of the plaintiff, or stalked the employee, or acted or spoke in any other manner that has placed the employee in reasonable fear of violence. Otherwise, the fee is $435. Fee Waiver available upon request.
This packet is to be served on the restrained person, along with a copy of the Temporary Restraining Order.
MWV-104 | Packet Cover Sheet |
WV-720 | Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order |
WV-200-INFO | What is "Proof of Personal Service"? |
WV-200 | Proof of Personal Service (extra for Order Renewing Restraining Order) |
WV-250 | Proof of Service of Response by Mail |
SER-001 | Request for Service by Sheriff to Serve Court Papers |