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Self-Help Center Closed December 26 & 27


The Self-Help Center will be closed on Thursday. December 26 and Friday, December 27.


Bogus phone calls, emails on jury service may lead to fraud.  If you receive a phone call, text, or email notifying you that you’re in big trouble for failing to show up for jury service, be suspicious.  It’s probably a scam.  Visit our Jury Scams webpage for more information.

Bail Schedules

Uniform Bail Schedule

To achieve substantial uniformity of bail and penalties throughout the state in traffic, boating, fish and game, forestry, public utilities, parks and recreation, and business licensing cases, the Judicial Council adopts a uniform bail and penalty schedules for certain offenses.

Uniform Bail Schedule

Misdemeanor and Felony Bail Schedules

The following schedules have been approved by the judges of the Court, and set the bail for the release of persons arrested on bailable offenses.

Misdemeanor Bail Schedule

Felony Bail Schedule

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