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Behavioral Health Court

A Partnership In Reducing Recidivism

The goal is to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism of criminal defendants who suffer serious mental illness by connecting them with community treatment services and ongoing court supervision.

This program is a collaborative effort of the Court; the Mendocino County District Attorney’s and Public Defender’s Offices; the County Social Services Department; local law enforcement agencies; and other community organizations involved in behavioral health treatment and advocacy.

Location and Mailing Address

Mendocino County Superior Court
100 North State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482-4416
Phone: (707)463-4661

Consideration For Program

Participation in the BHC is voluntary. The Judge and lawyers work closely with the mental health providers with a focus on the person’s diagnosis and psycho-social risks and needs. As a general rule, if the defendant’s mental illness is a primary cause of their involvement with the criminal justice system, the case will be considered for the BHC.


Upon acceptance into the program, the BHC treatment team clinical providers develop an individualized treatment plan that includes intensive case management, medication management, psychiatric rehabilitation, supportive living arrangements, and substance abuse treatment.


Throughout their participation in BHC, clients attend regular judicial status hearings, where their progress in treatment is monitored and encouraged through positive reinforcement. The Judge can also impose sanctions, including incarceration, if corrective action is necessary. In the interest of public safety, defendants who commit certain violent crimes are not allowed into the program.

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